What is 90+1?
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(*) Mandatory fields
- The signatory of this form declares under a penalty of perjury that all the above details are valid.
- The signatory of this form declares under a penalty of perjury that the company mentioned above is not listed in/or associated with any other Company or individual in the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List.
(*) Company Firm/Name:
(*) Company’s occupation:
(*) Registered Country:
(*) Registered Address:
(*) City:
(*) Tax or VAT number:
Registration number:
(*) Office Phone(s):
Company’s Website (URL):
(*) Email:
(*) Contact person:
(*) Contact person Cellular phone(s)
Contact person WhatsApp:
Products you merchandize/manufacture:
Your comments/remarks:

Below details are for our internal use (commercial department records).
Fill out the below form or use (fill out)  the PDF A2-FORM which you can send it by email at contact@armour.gr
(*) Your Bank Name and County
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